Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 23:35:22 PST From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Info-Hams Digest V93 #1301 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Mon, 1 Nov 93 Volume 93 : Issue 1301 Today's Topics: (none) AZ Ham Plates CQWW checklog Daily Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for 01 November Dupes.... on internet? From KB7 to KC7 prefix ? Help: Need Manual for hp O-scope help needed Looking for manual for Datotek DMX-100 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #133 PK232 vs Kenwood setting up a work bench. (2 msgs) Yaesu FT-890 TX Mod Information ZA1QA QSLs Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 2 Nov 93 05:10:58 GMT From: Subject: (none) To: SUBSCRIBE INFO-HAMS ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 93 21:11:39 GMT From: Subject: AZ Ham Plates To: >I also checked about call sign plates in ARIZONA turns out they are >classed as vanity plates and have the same exhorbitant charge This happened to me four years ago: An unfriendly person at ADOT (AZ Dept. of Transportation) told me the same thing. I asked to speak to her supervisor and asked him when did the state of Arizona reclassify amateur radio plates as vanity plates since amateur radio plates had been around long before vanity plates? He looked it up and found that amateur radio plates are not vanity plates and are a lot less expensive than vanity plates. Knowing ADOT, it wouldn't surprise me if they had instructions to collect vanity fees for amateur radio plates if the amateur doesn't object. 73, Cecil, ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 18:24:22 GMT From:!!! Subject: CQWW checklog To: In article <9311010830.AA27984@ganges.beeldanalyse>, G.POLDER@CPRO.AGRO.NL writes: > can I send my CQWW checklog in by e-mail ??? No. Even though they accept logs on disk, they still require a hard copy (paper) log. 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C Internet: Digital Equipment Corp. UUCP: ...decwrl!!reisert 146 Main Street - MLO3-6/C9 Voice: 508-493-5747 Maynard, MA 01754 FAX: 508-493-0395 ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 93 03:43:39 GMT From: Subject: Daily Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for 01 November To: !!BEGIN!! (1.0) S.T.D. Solar Geophysical Data Broadcast for DAY 305, 11/01/93 10.7 FLUX=091.4 90-AVG=094 SSN=036 BKI=2222 2222 BAI=007 BGND-XRAY=B1.1 FLU1=*.*E+** FLU10=*.*E+** PKI=2222 3232 PAI=008 BOU-DEV=010,013,010,014,014,010,012,010 DEV-AVG=011 NT SWF=00:000 XRAY-MAX= C3.2 @ 2317UT XRAY-MIN= A9.7 @ 1955UT XRAY-AVG= B4.2 NEUTN-MAX= +003% @ 2335UT NEUTN-MIN= -002% @ 2120UT NEUTN-AVG= +0.2% PCA-MAX= +0.0DB @ 2345UT PCA-MIN= -0.5DB @ 1645UT PCA-AVG= -0.0DB BOUTF-MAX=55364NT @ 1305UT BOUTF-MIN=55341NT @ 1707UT BOUTF-AVG=55357NT GOES7-MAX=P:+000NT@ 0000UT GOES7-MIN=N:+000NT@ 0000UT G7-AVG=+069,+000,+000 GOES6-MAX=P:+120NT@ 1555UT GOES6-MIN=N:-056NT@ 1144UT G6-AVG=+090,+014,-033 FLUXFCST=STD:090,090,090;SESC:090,090,090 BAI/PAI-FCST=010,010,015/010,012,015 KFCST=2233 3222 2233 3222 27DAY-AP=005,013 27DAY-KP=1111 1322 4441 1223 WARNINGS=*SWF ALERTS=**245STRM:0629-0916UTC;**SWEEP:IV@2315UTC !!END-DATA!! NOTE: The Effective Sunspot Number for 31 OCT 93 was 41.0. The Full Kp Indices for 31 OCT 93 are: 1+ 1- 3- 2o 2- 2- 2+ 3- ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 1993 21:37:51 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: Dupes.... on internet? To: Okay... I give up. Why are we getting so many dupes of oldies in this group lately? Gary ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 93 21:34:31 GMT From: hp-cv!hp-pcd!hpcvsnz! Subject: From KB7 to KC7 prefix ? To: When region 7 runs out of KB7 prefix call signs what does the KC7 batch start at? KC7AA ? KC7AAA ? Inquiring minds want to know. Well, at least mine does. Dave, KB7QCL ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 93 13:18:06 CST From:!!cherry10! Subject: Help: Need Manual for hp O-scope To: (Also my impression of the MN hamfest.) Among the bargains I found at the Hamfest this weekend in St. Paul MN, was the following Oscilloscope for which I now need manuals etc: 140A Oscilloscope Hewlett Packard I don't know the age of this beast. It is quite heavy. It has the following modules: 1423A Time Base Hewlett Packard 1402A DC 20MCI6CMI Dual Trace Amplifier Hewlett Packard. I don't know if it works at the moment. I still have no power chord or test probes. Then I paid a total of $17.50, so if it never works it wasn't too much of a loss, and if it does work I really have a nice find. Can anyone tell me anything more about this unit? How old would it be? How can I tell what the maximum frequency it can handle is? Am I resigned to paying several times the price of the scope for the test probes? (I need 2 of them.) Does anyone know how I can find a service manual? Other manuals? Help! ________________hamfest observations_______________________________________ In general I felt that there was not much radio equipment and lots of computer equipment at this hamfest. There were quite a few oscilloscopes there, so bargains were to be had. This pleased me since this was on my shopping list. I got a nice temperature controled soldering iron. (Hexacon Therm-o-trac $20) I didn't see a single straight key. I saw many glow in the dark boat anchors going for many hundreds of dollars. (Ok, I didn't see them go, but that was what was being asked. Sombody had a couple of nice anchors from "Collins". One for $300, and one for $200. Another person had a "Schwan" was it? 100 watts on 10 and 11 meters. Glow in the dark rig. He wanted $200, and then "$175, but that is my best offer." I saw a HW 101 going for $100. I probably should have taken that one. Someone else did after I passed it up. I saw those others all there at closing time though.) --- ______ Sourdough and Ham KG0IO/AE | | | | | | obten comida, --David C. Adams | | | y sal de aqui! Statistician \____/ Cray Research Inc. (____) .:. . . . :. ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 93 09:36:07 GMT From: ogicse!emory!!!usc!! Subject: help needed To: Please forgive the cross-posting, but the Los Angeles Times is looking for anyone who worked on the B-1 project for Rockwell and who would like to contribute to an upcoming series of articles about the aerospace industry. If you are interested, please call Kim Kowsky at 310-791-2213 or 800-283-6397 ext 8577-2213 or call Adam Bauman at 213-237-3492 or 800-283-6397 ext 73492. Thanks in advance for your help. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 14:21:08 EST From:!! Subject: Looking for manual for Datotek DMX-100 To: I just picked up a Datotek DMX-100 Communications modem (rtty?) without any documentation. I am looking for a manual or schematic (at least). Any info would be appreciated. Thanks ... Greg KD1PL ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1993 19:43:34 MST From:!!!!!!!alberta!ugc!nebulus!ve6mgs! Subject: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #133 To: SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.133 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 133 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 133 BID: $OPDX.133 November 1, 1993 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DF4RD, DL7VEE & DXNL, OD5ZZ, W4VQ, VP2ML & DX Magazine and VE6KC for the following DX information. 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF LEBANESE INDEPENDENCE AWARD. NODXA member Walid, OD5ZZ, informed OPDX that this award will be issued by the "President Karami Radio Society" (PKRS) for any amateur station who has worked 10 different PKRS members on two different bands between the period of November 15th and December 15th (1993). The same station can be worked on more than one band and one of the contacts must be with OD50RAK. The station OD50RAK will be active daily on 14308 kHz (time was not given). The GCR rules will apply for all stations. A special plaque will be available to any station that meets the above requirements but on five different bands on any mode. The fee for the basic award is 5 USD and fee for the plaque is 25 USD. Requests for the award can be sent to: OD5ZB, Bassem Sibai, P.O. Box 782, Tripoli, Lebanon, Asia. PKRS stations are: OD50RAK, OD5JY, OD5KM, OD5LT, OD5PL, OD5RF, OD5SA, OD5SB, OD5SC, OD5SF, OD5SH, OD5SK, OD5QH, OD5QS, OD5WD, OD5XY, OD5YL, OD5YT, OD5YU OD5ZB, OD5ZN, OD5ZM, OD5ZZ and AA3EI. 8Q7, MALDIVES. Andree, DL8LAS, will be active from November 1-15, on all bands both CW and SSB. He likes to operate on 20 meters (check CW/14013 and SSB/14233). QSL via CBA or the DARC bureau. CH8MNP CARDS. Larry, VE6KC, reports that the QSL cards for the Cameron Island IOTA DXpedition have not yet been printed, but should be in by the year's end. He ask that all who had contacted CH8MNP please be patient. The operation made about 6000 contacts, mostly Europe. EP, IRAN. The DXNL reports that the planned EP DXpedition by EX0A and others had to be postponed because the border is closed due to several cholera cases. J2, DJIBOUTI. Jean, J28JJ, who will be active from here the next 3 to 4 years, was heard operating RTTY on 21087 kHz around 1630z. QSL to Jean Jacques Chatelard, Box 1076, Republic of Djibouti. JY, JORDAN. Bernd, DL1VJ, will be active as JY8VJ from November 20th to December 1st. He plans to take part in the CQ WW CW Contest as Single Op/ Multi-band class. QSL via DL1VJ: Bernd Laenger, P.O. Box 1240, D-66273 Sulzbach/Saar, Germany. QSLs via the bureau are OK. MOST WANTED COUNTRIES. The results of the "1993 Most Wanted Countries Survey" by Chod Harris (VP2ML) were announced in the Nov/Dec issue of the DX Magazine. Out of the top 100 here is the "Top Ten": 1) Peter 1 Island - 3Y1 6) Tunisia - 3V 2) Bhutan - A5 7) Yemen - 4W 3) Libya - 5A 8) Tromelin - FR/T 4) Andaman - VU4 9) Macquarie Is. - VK0 5) Heard Island - VK0 10) Mount Athos - SV/A * Just a reminder: Ballots for the "3rd Annual OPDX/NODXA DX Survey" will be coming out sometime during the month of November. ST0, SOUTHERN SUDAN. A station signing ST0K was heard October 27th, on 18070 kHz around 1200z. No other information is known about this station, other than the operator stated to QSL via Box 617, Khartoum. (WFWL!) UPCOMING DXAC VOTES. DXAC CHAIRMAN, Robert, W4VQ, has scheduled the following DXAC votes before the end of the year: RTTY Honor Roll, Revision of CW DXCC Start Date, DXAC Manual and the tabling of the Mount Athos Issues. "QSL Guidelines" will be voted on in January 1994. VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. A couple of operations will take place from here with one of them starting as early as the first part of November. Steve, VK6VZ, will be traveling to the island early in the month (November 6-13) mainly for a holiday with his wife, but will be active as VK9XZ. Activity will be mainly on 20 meters CW and SSB (with a possiblity of 40 meter CW activity). Also look for him on the 14226 nets (Butterfly and Southern Cross). QSL via VK6VZ. Bob, W5KNE (editor of QRZ DX), will be active from November 27 to December 15 as VK9XN. He plans to be active on all bands CW/SSB but prefers 80/40/30 meters. XU, KAMPUCHEA. Mike, VS6WV, whose trip to XU-land was post-poned for a few days, is scheduled to be back in XU-land during the weekend of the CQ WW SSB Contest. As XU6WV, he will concentrate on those who need Zone 26 on 40/80 meters for 5BWAZ. QSLs for VS6WV and XU6WV go to K0TLM. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EXIT ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 1993 19:04:34 GMT From:!agate!!!caen!!!! Subject: PK232 vs Kenwood To: In a previous article, (Clay Jackson) says: I had the same problem with my kenwood 820, my Yaesu 757 and my kenwood 850. I believe that it has to do with one of the lvels in the radio. I don't want to mess with my 850 so I just put a toggle swithc in line and cut out the one wire that was causing the problem. I think if you unplug your mike it should do the same thing. When I switch form Digital to SSB, I thorugh one switch. I think a better solution is to use the FSK instead of the AFSK/. this way you can use a CW filter in line. I am going to switch my cabling when I get a chance. The rig works great with the AFSK< but during the last RTTY contest, it would have been nice to be able to use my 500 Hz CW filter. >I'm having a heck of a time with my PK-232 and Kenwood TS-680 (the 6M >version of a TS-140). If I plug the PK-232 into the ACC-2 jack on the >Kenwood (using an AEA made cable), the TX-audio on the Kenwood goes to >pot (basically, it acts as if I've got some sort of feedback loop). > >I've tried all the "usual" fixes (made sure both the 680 and the 232 >were grounded, strapped the two together, moved 'em apart, etc) and >nothing seems to help. > >I've seen some stuff about other Kenwood rigs - anyone have any >suggestions? > >73 de N7QNM > >Clay > >-- >Clay Jackson - N7QNM >US WEST NewVector Group Inc >Bellevue, WA >uunet!uswnvg!cjackso > -- Jeff M. Gold, AC4HF Manager, Academic Computing Support Tennessee Technological University ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 1993 22:53:13 GMT From:!pagesat!olivea!koriel!newscast.West.Sun.COM!service! Subject: setting up a work bench. To: David, I made a heavy duty bench out of a solid core door and saw horses, the door had a deep nick on one side so I got it for 1/2 price ($20). A new 36"wide door should be under $40 at most discount houses. Stan kb6rqz ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 93 01:13:58 GMT From: ogicse!!linac!att!cbnewse! Subject: setting up a work bench. To: There's currently a discussion about workbenches for *woodworking* in rec.woodworking, but I assume you want one for electronics. For over 15 years I have used the following scheme for electronics workbenches with success. I employ two 2-drawer file cabinets to support a top, which is actually a solid core wooden door, obtained as a reject from a lumber store. On top of that, I placed steel shelves to hold a scope, lot of meters, sig jennies, etc. Instead of building a 6 foot tall set of shelves, I built two sets of 3 foot tall shelves and sat them on top of my workbench side by side. I used industrial steel shelving, but you could the cheaper Hirsch "Erector Set-type" steel shelving available at most home center stores. Lots of test equipment sit on the shelves, plugged into a 6' long AC outlet strip which rests at the rear of one of the shelves. I store equipment repair and user manuals in the file cabinets. PS - Scott Landis' "The Workbench Book" is a good book if you are considering a woodworking bench. It's published by Taunton Press. -- ============================================================================== Copyright 1993, Bob Parnass, AJ9S AT&T Bell Laboratories - - (708)979-5414 ------------------------------ Date: 2 Nov 93 03:25:07 GMT From: ogicse!!!!!! Subject: Yaesu FT-890 TX Mod Information To: If anyone is interested, following below is the TX mod for the new Yaesu FT-890 HF rig. I copied it from Packet, but have not tried it. --Leigh Marrin/KM6JE in Santa Barbara. _______________________________________________________ From: N1ENA@K1RQG Subject: Yaesu FT-890 TX Mod. General Coverage TX Modification for Yaesu FT-890 ------------------------------------------------- 1. Remove top and bottom covers. 2. Remove the two side-mounted screws that will allow the front panel to hinge forward. 3. Look for jumper spot JM3001 on the display unit. It is located behind the front panel, near the top edge of the board. It is very small and has a circle around it. Make a solder bridge across JM3001 with a fine-tipped iron. 4. Turn power on and off. 5. With power off, press and hold PROC, AGC-F, IPO, and ATT buttons simultaneously (you may need an extra hand! :). 6. While pressing these buttons, turn the power back on. 7. The display will show two digits and "on" or "off". Rotate the main dial to make it display "02-on". 8. Press PROC button to write the data to memory. 9. Turn the power off and remove the solder bridge from JM3001. 10. Reassemble the radio. The modification is complete. DISCLAIMER: I have verified this modification, but I do not assume any responsibility for anyone's ability to duplicate it. Proceed at your own risk. 73 - Mike N1ENA @ K1RQG.ME.USA.NA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 17:30:59 GMT From:!!! Subject: ZA1QA QSLs To: I never received cards sent to the "Quick Aid" address. However there is now a designated HA manager (HA0HW or HA0NN?) who handles the cards, and I got a return response in about a month. 73 - Jim AD1C -- Jim Reisert AD1C Internet: Digital Equipment Corp. UUCP: ...decwrl!!reisert 146 Main Street - MLO3-6/C9 Voice: 508-493-5747 Maynard, MA 01754 FAX: 508-493-0395 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 19:34:35 GMT From:!!! To: References <>, , <4761@eram.esi.COM.AU>urdue.ed Subject : Re: 49MHz Walkie-Talkies to 6M conversions wanted dave@esi.COM.AU (Dave Horsfall) writes: >In article , > (Randall Rhea) writes: >[ Change rocks and re-tweak ] >| It may not be that easy. Some units, like the Radio Shack multi-channel >| model, cannot be modified. The cheapo kiddie HTs can probably >| be modified this way, but they are AM, and have a less-than-stellar >| receiver. If it's for a college project, fine, but don't expect to >| hit repeaters with them. >If those 49 MHz units are the ones sold here on 55.050 MHz; they are >indeed FM, and they do indeed come down nicely to 6m. However, their >output power is best measured in femto-watts; they draw more current >on receive than transmit... >They also have an excellent front-end for their size (nearby transmitters >don't seem to bother them) and have an independant Rx/Tx circuit, so a >repeater split is no problem. >-- >Dave Horsfall (VK2KFU) VK2KFU @ VK2RWI.NSW.AUS.OC PGP 2.3 >dave@esi.COM.AU ...munnari!esi.COM.AU!dave available Hey, if you guys ever come up with some concrete methodology for these things, I'd love to take a crack at it. Now if you move them from 49 MHz to 6 meters, will it then become legal to amplify their output? Seems like you'd no longer be under Part 15 restrictions in the US, anyway...... Duane wb9omc ------------------------------ Date: 1 Nov 93 18:22:18 GMT From: microsoft!wingnut! To: References <2am32v$7g@male.EBay.Sun.COM>, <2amlop$c3c@altitude.HIP.CAM.ORG>, <> Subject : Re: Spread Spectrum In article <> gary@ke4zv.UUCP (Gary Coffman) writes: >To answer Keith's question, get a copy of the ARRL _Spead Spectrum >Sourcebook_ for the basic outlines of the various types of SS, what >PN codes are permitted, and the types of equipment modifications needed >to operate SS. You can convert an IC4AT to a 70 cm hopper, and there >are plans for building PN spreaders using common off the shelf parts. >Outfits like Qualcomm have chipsets for complete systems, but if you're >learning and experimenting, it's probably better to build your first >units with simple TTL blocks so you'll understand what's happening. There are other references kicking around, and for a completely up-to-date one, see if you can track down the September and October 1993 issues of _Electronics & Wireless World_. The September issue has a very good overview of spread spectrum (concentrating on direct sequence), and the October issue has construction information on a 435 MHz direct sequence spread spectrum system. The articles were written by James Vincent, G1PVZ. In typical spread spectrum fashion the transmitter is (relatively) simple, while the receiver is quite complicated. It uses some very interesting techniques for acquiring and keeping correlation, and does not need an external reference like some of the stuff in the ARRL spread spectrum book... Just in case, no, I have no connection with E&WW, or with Reed Business Publishing. I have no idea who Mr. Vincent is, though I do like his style. 73 from Burnaby laura VE7LDH ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V93 #1301 ****************************** ******************************